I am Jack's Smirking Revenge

little, yappy dogs

Monday, October 03, 2005

The Parakeet and the Mirror: the world of Weblogs

A simple analogy, in one part.

[the lights dim]

Parakeet: "Tweet!" [peck mirror]

Mirror: "Jingle!"

...[brief pause]...

Parakeet: "Tweet!" [peck mirror]

Mirror: "Jingle!"

...[brief pause]...

Parakeet: "Tweet!" [peck mirror]

Mirror: "Jingle!"

...[brief pause]...

Parakeet: "Tweet!" [peck mirror]

Mirror: "Jingle!"

...[brief pause]...

Parakeet: "Tweet!" [peck mirror]

Mirror: "Jingle!"

...[brief pause]...

[the lights never come back up. the scene continues, and the stage just drifts further and further away until it is no longer visible.]


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