How to use Comcast Rhapsody
Since comcast has such a busy annoying interface, and since >I< figured this out on my own, I figured I would supply this for the rest of the world who is likely curious as to how to do this.
If you have comcast high speed internet, you get a free rhapsody radio account with it. Most people who just pay for rhapsody would have to go to the rhapsody site and set up an account and all that- you don't with comcast.
Go to the website and log in using your comcast credentials.
There will be a "music" link at the top of the page.
On the music page, click the "rhapsody radio" link.
This will sign your comcast account into rhapsody. Once comcast has initialized your account with rhapsody, you don't need to use this login method anymore.
You can now go to and sign in using your comcast login info, and install their mini-player and now you don't have to go through comcast's site anymore.
Happy you.